Belief and disbelief

I woke today to find myself as I usually do, away from my cognitive self deep in the subconscious shadows where I was expressing my disbelief, “there is no God”.

Where there is belief, there is disbelief.

It is enough that we believe but in insisting or asserting there is struggle – good/bad right/wrong true/false yours/mine belief/disbelief. We should let our polarities be part, so there is a whole.

Being of Reality your whole is alive in Reality, forever changing, as Reality does.

Within our reality of conscious experience and self, there is change, development, resolution, and growth of a certainty that involves us and our struggles. It is an integration that occurs in our relation as part with our whole self, who is beyond or transcendent of our part including our belief and disbelief.



We are genderised in our self and identity. We consider our self male or female, though we may question this and perhaps choose to change it.

While we identify in our self and our genderisation, we are in fact a part, together with all that we experience of others and the world, of our whole being. And our whole being, who is in and of Reality, is the one who is gendered.

I am hoping this quick examination of our genderisation help clarify two distinctions, between our self and our whole self, and between our reality and Reality. They are considered throughout my work which tries to establish “actuality”, our existence in fact as projection, projected through the CNS (Central Nervous System) by our whole being.

message 02.jpgProjection distinguishes and help define our reality of conscious experience and self witnessed as a projected part of our whole, our self as a projected part within our projected reality, and our whole self as who projects our reality including our self.

Reality itself or absolute Reality is what our whole self is of. Also the one and only whole, our whole being is of Reality, and through him or her we, as self or identity, together with our genderisation, are a part of Reality.

While any whole is beyond or transcendent of its parts, in our actuality, we may be in relation with our transcendent and gendered whole being of Reality as a projected part.

Turned in our Vector

The dynamics of our projected actuality, our existence in fact, occupying space as projection. We emanate or flow out from our whole through the brain and spinal cord (CNS).


s 23Nov17 tturned vector giff


up front and to the right might light
cornered off
on and on
fish eyed
conscious of
cornered across

t 1t 2t 3abt 4t 5t 6t 7



Black and white

“Everything, of your self and what you experience, is a part of your whole.”

03aIsolated from our whole in our struggles, we up hold heaven against demons. It’s so easy and natural to cling to life, in spite. But the loss and shock of our past are carried in our wake, by our whole.

Our struggles are not so black and white in our reality, as we would like to make it.

Trust your whole. As self or identity, we are a part of our whole being. And so also with everything we may experience, parts of their whole. Though he or she is transcendent of our reality, our whole, must be there, in Reality.

Our parts

Our cognitive sense and story
we like to keep straight and direct
as if to cut through and contrast
the meaningless mess of massing movement,
flux and change.

We rise from solipsistic uncertainty and origin,
to hold our sight under the light
of our conscious’ plight.

Then fall back and down,omega 100 body, som cog exi conscious
to existential depths and darkness
of empty certainty.

Each part is set self/others
by other parts, and self/not self
by a whole, parts are of,
yet transcendent of parts,
in Reality.

Reality and our part

Reality is an Entirety,
the one and only whole,

All wholes transcend their parts,message 01
being displaced by parts, but are
immanent in their parts,
encompassing of them all.

All-Creation-God pervades
all parts and wholes, Everything is
in us and our all also,
by our being a part
of our individual whole.

Of conscious self and experience,
of aspects of things in reality, our reality
is a part of our whole,
projected through the CNS,
by our whole.

Poem Straight up JUn17 (5)

Our part occupies space. As a part within a geometric piece, set within the human condition, we are held within projected structures. Of realms, shapes, levels and layers, all of our self and what we experience is enmeshed and manifest in them. It is our reality of “projection”, “our” matter and form, is projected through the CNS (Central Nervous System), by our whole: Projection is fundamental of our – conscious self and experience witnessed – reality.
Poem Straight up JUn17 (2cc)

From blog entry : “Reality, Entirety, the one and only whole, All-Creation-God”

AI and subjectivity

Just when through modernity, we’ve gotten used to the self, we’re loosing it into the technological media. Who’s there, in charge?

There is a new impetus to examine subjectivity, with the developments in AI (artificial intelligence) and its encroachment on so much of human activity. And they are actively applied in reality, in drones, un-manned buses, language generation, face recognition. Their moral consequence is “us” the subject, put on the spot. What is it, to be human? Who or what is the true self? Is there free will? Is it a predetermined destiny where we have no choice, but to enact our human programmes? In thus just reacting to our environment, what difference is there from AI?

For more on subjectivity link to the blog entry“Our reality and Reality”